American History Trivia Page - 3

Trivia Questions

Term for the women of the 1920s who wore bobbed hair, short dresses & long strings of beads

This statue got a new torch in 1986; the old one was 100 years old

At a 1954 hearing, this senator accused the Army of "coddling Communists"

This American general who turned traitor during the revolution got over £6,000 for his efforts

It's the date on which America celebrated its bicentennial

In 1777 Vermont became the first state to abolish this completely

From 1680 to 1755, the colony of Pennsylvania was governed by members of this religious group

1 of 4 freedoms FDR termed essential in a January 6, 1941 address to Congress

Of the 3 writers of the Federalist papers, 2 were New Yorkers & he was a Virginian

Prior to his election to the Tennessee legislature in 1821, this frontiersman was a Justice of the Peace