A tabby cat named Dusty produced exactly 420 of these during her life, a world record
The 2 heaviest dog breeds on average are the mastiff & this Alpine rescue breed
The smallest dog ever recorded, one of these terriers, stood 2 1/2 inches tall & stretched 3 3/4 inches long
Except for the cheetah, all cats can retract these
Proverbially, this type of inquisitiveness is what "killed the cat"
This Asian carnivore is the largest member of the cat family & the only big cat with striped fur
One of the very few curly-haired varieties of cat, the Cornish Rex was developed in this country
He's the long-time MGM superstar seen here
In one theory, purring comes from membranes in the throat called "false" these
Of the 2 types of cells that change light into nerve impulses, cats are loaded with these, for better night vision