Christmas Trivia Page - 4

Trivia Questions

Singer performing the holiday classic heard here:"Rockin' around the Christmas tree at the Christmas party hop..."

St. Nick's reindeer were "more rapid" than these large birds

"He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, and his clothes were all tarnished with" these 2 items

In "Deck The Halls", we "troll" this, "Fa la la la la la la la la"

"The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of" these "danced in their heads"

During the holidays, Winter White Chocolate is one of the most popular of this chain's "31 Flavors"

In "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", carolers demand a "figgy" one & won't go until they get some

It's an English tradition to adorn this tusked animal's head with sprigs of bay, rosemary & little flags

About 1.76 billion of these striped treats are sold in the U.S. every year; most of them are used for decoration

At Christmastime you might have a "burning" desire to make a buche de noel, a cake shaped like this