You caught the ball & got tensies, which makes you the winner at this game
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew plays a game with Sofia.) Eight years of studying medicine have prepared me to perform delicate surgery on Cavity Sam in this game--scalpel!Bzzzt!
(Sofia of the Clue Crew plays a game with Jimmy.) Trying to catch a rodent isn't as easy as it seems in this classic board game
(Sofia of the Clue Crew plays a game with Jimmy.) Jimmy's playing older brother & helping me choose who's taking me out in the updated version of this gameGuy on telephone says, "What's up?" and Jimmy shakes his head.
Uno is a version of this wacky-sounding card game called huit americain in France
If you don't accept this challenge in backgammon, you must resign & pay the current stake
Now called this, it was introduced around 1928 as Hop Ching checkers
The name of this game that uses 144 small tiles comes from a word meaning sparrows
The piece you try to capture in Stratego has one of these on it
Mattel has set this classic boxing toy in a video game arena