(VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE):It's the make your own drink product seen here: (Alex: Take a look at me (drops tablet into glass of water))
You probably ran home at lunch to watch this game show that debuted March 30, 1964 with host Art Fleming
Some 1969 Huffys, a brand of these, featured banana seats
Introduced to American backyards in 1961, this 25' long sheet of plastic was attached to a hose
Theodore, Simon & he formed a famous musical trio
This future king has become a pinup favorite for young girls all over Great Britain
Teenage motivator Ayinde Jean-Baptiste spoke at this October 1995 march in Washington
Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon was born to this woman October 14, 1996
(VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE):The painting seen here by 11-year-old Alexandra Nechita is in the style of this Spanish painter:
In October 1996 spectator Jeffrey Maier deflected a ball which was ruled a home run for this team