Movie Quotes Trivia Page - 3

Trivia Questions

This star says in "The Alamo", "Republic. I like the sound of the word"

1972 film re-released in 1997; its last line is "Don Corleone"

In "The Jerk he said, "I slit the sheet. The sheet I slit. And on the slitted sheet I sit"

In a 1994 action film this actress said, "Oh, sure, it's just like driving a really big Pinto"

As Carl Denham, Robert Armstrong calls this 1933 title character "The Eighth Wonder of the World"

Trying to act "Honor"ably in this movie, Jack Nicholson asks, "Do I ice her? Do I marry her?"

Title character who says, "Rommel, you magnificent bastard...I read your book!"

Classic 1930 movie in which you'd hear "Mother of mercy! Is this the end of Rico?"

Whoopi Goldberg asks, "How am I supposed to write for a guy that doesn't have a head?" in this film about daytime TV

In "Gilda" this actress declares, "If I'd been a ranch, they would've named me The Bar Nothing"