John Belushi starred as Capt. Wild Bill Kelso in this romp about hysteria gripping America after Pearl Harbor
Released in 1968 it starred Keir Dullea as an astronaut out to solve a cosmic mystery
Richard Burton's last film role was as the torturer O'Brien in this cautionary George Orwell tale
Gary Grimes starred as Hermie in this "seasonal" film about 3 teenagers coming of age during World War II
This Oscar-winning film set in Somalia became "Helicopter on Fire" in Poland
In France, Billy Crystal learned all about "life, love and cows" in this film
The censorship board in Malaysia damned this Ron Perlman film with the title "Super Sapiens"
In France, this unforgettable Adam Sandler film became "Love & Amnesia"
Too bad the theater's so dark; you can't see these "everlasting" Willie Wonka jawbreakers change color
Made by the same company, these candies are just like Mike and Ike but they're cinnamon-flavored