Movie Trivia Page - 106

Trivia Questions

1982:"They're here!"

1967:"What we've got here is failure to communicate"

Peter Parker spins a web of intrigue & help Denzel Washington protect Dakota Fanning

Tertiary Tolkien offering that journeys to Skull Island with Fay Wray

On his last 007 mission, Timothy Dalton wanders into Vol. 1 of this Tarantino action saga; my money is on Uma

John Grisham meets Noel Coward as a law student & a reporter find each other for a short time

The Human Torch & 3 Friends interrupt several British nuptials & an entombment, & boy is Hugh Grant mad

1991:Ice Cube co-starred in this saga about a group of friends chillin' out in an L.A. ghetto

1968:Steve McQueen fires on all cylinders as a San Francisco cop in search of a killer mobster

1986:Creepy thriller in which Dennis Hopper swears by "Pabst Blue Ribbon!!!"