"My first day as a woman and I am already having hot flashes"
People are still flocking to see my picture 2 months after it opened; it's really got these body parts
This author famous for his "Jeeves" novels also co-wrote the book for the musical "Anything Goes"
On the HBO show bearing this character's name, Sacha Baron Cohen also plays the roles of Borat & Bruno
It was the alphanumeric serial number for the Starship Enterprise that first appeared on TV in 1966
In 1954 Elijah Muhammad appointed him chief minister of Harlem's main temple
This singer's Top 10 hits include "Gotham City" from "Batman & Robin" & "I Believe I Can Fly" from "Space Jam"
In its Italian title this comedy had Mike Myers & Dana Carvey "Fused in the Head"
In Mexico Michael Douglas was one of the "Two Loafers After the Lost Emerald" in this film
Bulgaria changed this Adam Sandler film to "Psycho Therapy"