Movie Trivia Page - 92

Trivia Questions

He took time off from filming "Raging Bull" in order to gain the weight he needed for the ending

He gained as well as lost weight for his role in "Cast Away"

Keanu Reeves had a Nokia phone, but it took a land line to slip in & out of this, the title of a 1999 sci-fi flick

For his role as the hobbit Samwise, he packed on 30 pounds

Colin Farrell is trapped by sniper (& caller) Kiefer Sutherland in this thriller

Liz Taylor got an Oscar for playing Gloria Wandrous, model by day, call girl by night, reached at this title number

An Italian pasta job could have bulked her up for the 2003 film "Monster"

The pounds he put on for "Cop Land" may have been from a lot of rocky road ice cream

1994: Scar

Vitagraph's 1909 "Life of" this Biblical hero included a $10,000 scene of the parting of the Red Sea