Music Trivia Page - 73

Trivia Questions

Salman Rushdie wrote the lyrics to "The Ground Beneath Her Feet", performed by this group

Seen here, this is a real "hands-on" instrument

This orchestral giant can have up to 48 strings & measure nearly 6 feet tall

The name of this small guitar-like instrument popular in Hawaii is Hawaiian for "jumping flea"

You need a lot of hot air to play this instrument

This string quartet instrument that's deeply pitched & slightly larger than a violin has a similar name

When Benny Goodman was doing his swinging, it was usually with this woodwind in his mouth

This bent steel rod struck by a small metal rod is used in the final movement of Beethoven's Ninth

The barrel in this air-powered instrument is rotated & can have several tunes in its repertory

Total number of musicians you need to play all of "The Music Man"'s trombones & coronets in the big parade