Naturally, "Cat People (Putting Out Fire)" is Kitty's favorite track on his album "Let's Dance"
...& the Range
...& the Miami Sound Machine
Kitty just swoons when she hears Tom Jones sing this title movie tune
...& the Blackhearts
Kitty loves this 1972 Elton John song that says, "Well, I quit those days and my redneck ways"
You can see her wringer washer & the nurse's cap she wore while working to support Wynonna & Ashley
In 2002 the museum exhibited quilts loaned by this superstar, & 5 of her costumes from "Annie Get Your Gun"
She's the Hall of Famer heard here, makin' like Jerry Lee Lewis
You could never put a price on this funny lady seen here who was inducted in 1975("Howdeeee!")