One of these "critters" is a hidden electronic listening device used in spying on others
This handsome Canadian ensnared a lot of female hearts as Captain von Trapp
I'm Like a ____ Dog
To give it an "S" sound, the French add a cedilla to this letter
Often heard in war movies, it's the type of "raid" being warned about here
(Cheryl in Edison's Lab at the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit) The first sound ever recorded & played was Edison's recesitation of this familiar nursery rhyme
Commonly, pianos have about 3 of these; modern pipe organs have 32
The metal discs around the edge of this hand-held percussion instrument are called jingles
The instrument heard here, or what you might use to capture its sound
To start your own garage rock band, you'll need a guitarist, drummer & someone on this 4-stringed rhythm instrument