Music Trivia Page - 85

Trivia Questions

"2001: A Space Odyssey" memorably used the Strauss piece called "Thus Spake" this guy

2 songs from this Civil War epic were nominated for Academy Awards in 2004

An iconic scene in "Apocalypse Now" features copters flying, blaring this Wagner piece

In the movie "10" Bo Derek seduces Dudley Moore to the strains of this Spanish-influenced classical piece

It's this Russian composer's Piano Concerto No. 1 you're listening to here

Written for the movie "Chasing Rainbows", this hit became a campaign song in 1932

The thrill of an expected return is recounted in this favorite

A 1972 No. 1 hit, this song would be great hold music for an eye doctor

(Cheryl of the Clue Crew presents from the Broadway set of Cabaret.) Life is a cabaret on the set of "Cabaret" at the Kit Kat Club, a tawdry nightclub in this city

In this show's first scene, "It's a typical day in Dogpatch, U.S.A."