Science Trivia Page - 64

Trivia Questions

The largest part of a water molecule is an atom of this element that has a negative charge

This 5-letter word is the opposite of attract

The vast majority of this second-lightest gas comes from natural gas fields in the U.S.

The tail of this body is formed when ice turns into gas as it gets closer to the sun

Sialia mexicana is the scientific name of the western bluebird: Sialia is the genus & mexicana tells you this

In a first-class type of this, the fulcrum is between the applied force and the load

It's compressed to run a pneumatic device like a jackhammer

Type of mechanics illustrated here

The red shift of galaxies & the change in the pitch of a train whistle are examples of this man's effect

In the 1800s scientists proposed a luminiferous ether to explain how this can travel in waves