Tv Show Trivia Page - 18

Trivia Questions

Pokey the Horse was the constant companion of this flexible little fellow

Before "The Munsters", Fred Gwynne & Al Lewis appeared together on this cop comedy

After years as the movies' No. 1 son, Keye Luke finally played this detective in a cartoon series

A Tarzan spoof, this tree-swinger had a pet elephant named Shep

The musical group "The Bedrock Rockers" was featured in a comedy hour named for this cartoon family

He was the Jetsons' family dog

This superhero team consisted of Reid Richards, The Invisible Girl, The Human Torch, & The Thing

Zachary Powers,Khan,Mr. Roarke

Ruth Martin,Beverly Ann Stickle,Phyllis Lindstrom

Beverly Owen & Pat Priest both played Marilyn, the most normal-looking member of this bizarre family