Tv Show Trivia Page - 34

Trivia Questions

"Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" was the theme to this '90s series featuring Christopher Burke as Corky

Looking for the Enterprise's chief Miles O'Brien? He's been transferred to this Star Trek station

On its final episode Lt. Gerard shot Fred Johnson, the One-Armed Man

This San Francisco chief of detectives was assisted by Ed Brown & Eve Whitfield

In 1996 Lily Tomlin took over the role of "F.Y.I." producer on this show

In 1995 this secret agent played by Don Adams was promoted to chief of CONTROL

He starred as Chief Petty Officer Otto Sharkey

Waldo, who was murdered on "Twin Peaks", was a talkative one of these birds

It's the bird name of the Emmy-winning actor who plays twins Adam & Stuart Chandler on "All My Children"

The Munsters had a pet one of these who was fond of saying, "Nevermore"