Us Geography Trivia Page - 17

Trivia Questions

In 1981, Billy Joel told us to "Say goodbye to" this title place

"Do you know the way to" this 1968 Top 10 place

Sure, you studied presidents & state birds, but how the Beastie Boys & their "No Sleep Till" here

Wisconsin is bordered by these 2 of the 5 Great Lakes

If they'd decided to call this town Shawmut, the native name for the area, we'd have Shawmut baked beans

Though Delaware is the Diamond State, the Crater of Diamonds is in this state

The Salt Lake Valley was once a part of the basin of this ancient lake

In 1942, people from the Manhattan Project set up shop at a boys' ranch school in this N.M. community

Of Hawaii's 8 main islands, this one receives the lion's share of the tourist dollars

Florida's panhandle borders these 2 states