In English, Peking is also commonly referred to by this name
It's located about 240 miles west of the Persian Gulf & 480 miles northeast of Mecca
This capital has 2 districts: Karkh on the west bank of the Tigris & Rusafah on the east
Kyrenia, whose Turkish name is Girne, is a seaport & resort city on the Turkish part of this island
Some visitors to this French Canadian province enjoy rafting on the Jacques Cartier River
If you're a native Capetonian, you were born in this country
"Amar Sonar Bangla (My Golden Bengal)" is the national anthem of this country on the Bay of Bengal
Bandung, this country's 3rd-largest city, is the capital of the province of West Java
The Casa Rosada, residence of this country's president, stands on the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires
Marseille, this country's main seaport, is on its Mediterranean coast