Business Industry Trivia Page - 3

Trivia Questions

Texas-raised Angora goats provide almost 95% of the US production of this Angora fiber

In August of 1987, Joan Kroc, widow of the founder of this company, donated a million dollars to the Democratic Party

In April 1987, Avia was bought by this major competitor

To compete with electronic watches, SMH created this inexpensive Swiss watch

The Chicago Board of Trade is the world's largest of these

Through a licensing agreement with this company, Sears has opened stores called McKids

U.S. automaker that owns 15% of Maserati & 100% of Lamborghini

90% of Florida's orange crop is used to make this

The Pacific Aero Products Company, founded in Seattle in 1916, is now called this

The Weekend 35 is a disposable underwater camera sold by this maker of the disposable Fling