Henry Wells & William Fargo co-founded this company known for its credit card; "Don't leave home without it"
In 1984 this TV ratings service was acquired by Dun & Bradstreet
This company introduced its Trac II twin-blade razor in 1971 & the good news disposable razor 5 years later
Originally, this bread built strong bodies 8 ways; later the count went up to 12
In 1946 this brand came in as the first laundry detergent to have a phosphate compound as a water softener
This company was founded in 1948 as the baby furniture & toy supermarket; its present name came in 1957
This longest-listed company on the NYSE was first listed in 1824 as the New York Gas Light Company
A New Bern, North Carolina pharmacist invented this drink in 1898, claiming it cured dyspepsia
In 2001 this sandwich chain surpassed McDonald's in the number of U.S. restaurants
This athletic wear company best known for its shoes began in Oregon as Blue Ribbon Sports