Put them in the order Richard Branson founded them: airline, record store, record label
Giovanni Agnelli made a pronouncement in 1899: he was founding this Italian auto company
The Electric Suction Sweeper Company was later renamed for this man (who had bought the patent from a janitor)
Eleuthere Du Pont de Nemours got a lot of bang for his buck when he opened his factory to make this in 1802
In 1945 he became president of a Dearborn, Michigan car company started by his grandfather
The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company he founded in 1838 later became an eponymous line
This stout fellow was the first lord mayor of Dublin
He founded his pencil company in 1925 & in 1957 bought Occidental Petroleum
You auto know that this company is the world's largest automaker
In 1891 this New York financial frim introduced the world's first traveler's checks