Due to its many canals, this Thai capital has been called "the Venice of Asia"
TV rights to it in 1980 cost $87 million; in 1984, $225 million; & for 1988, $300 million
Long noted for its universities, this Colombian capital is called "the Athens of South America"
Shoebox Greetings, "A Tiny Little Division of" this company, started out with a line of 800 cards
Excluding East Berlin, 2 of 3 capitals of East European Communist countries that begin with "B"
He established CBS in 1928, retired in 1983, but came back in 1986
In July 1099, crusaders stormed this holy city, killing its Muslim & Jewish inhabitants
Though its name means "English soup", Italian zuppa inglese is eaten during this part of a meal
Dreyer's Ice Cream insured this part of its official taster's body for a cool 1⁄4 million bucks
Circa 950, under Harald Bluetooth, this was 1st Scandinavian country unified under just 1 king