General Knowledge Trivia Page - 74

Trivia Questions

Irish port city on the river Suir famous for its crystal

Clifton Fadiman called this food "Milk's Leap to Immortality"

Oxygenated hemoglobin is this color

In the U.S. if May Day falls on Sunday, the following Sunday is this

The artist Rubens was born either on or the day before the feast day of these 2 saints

Roger Williams founded R.I. after he was banished from this colony for his religious beliefs

Day honoring a martyr beheaded at Rome under the Emperor Claudius; a lovely history it wasn't

Teddy Roosevelt's attorney general, Charles Bonaparte, was this man's grandnephew

Black Shawl was the wife of this Indian who helped lead the charge against Custer

The Cajuns migrated to Louisiana from there