General Knowledge Trivia Page - 75

Trivia Questions

This state recently marked the 400th anniversary of the English settlement on Roanoake Island

A holiday for most people in the U.S.; the Greek orthodox church says it's the day Jesus was circumcised

Mexico defeated France at the Battle of Puebla on this date in 1862

This New Deal agency was symbolized by a blue eagle & used the motto, "We do our part"

John Roebling designed this bridge across the East River, the oldest suspension bridge in NYC

Advertisers have discovered they can send ads instantaneously with this telephone technology

The oil of these spice buds stuck in hams is a source of artificial vanilla flavoring

After the cobbler's wife made these for the elves, they quit making shoes

"Potage" is a fancy name for this type of dish, especially a thick one

The 2nd largest city in W. Germany, its state senate is headed by a burgermeister