Language Trivia Page - 12

Trivia Questions

Adverbs generally end in these 2 letters

"At", "by" & "of" are all this part of speech

Lay is the past tense of lie; this is the past tense of lay

In handwriting, to indicate italicized words, do this to them

"City" is a common noun; Virginia City is this kind of noun

The Channel meets the North Sea at this strait

La Manche, the French name for the channel, means this part of a shirt

Francois Pilatre de Rozier tried to cross the Channel in one of these in 1785, but was killed in the attempt

A song & a dance were named for this lady who swam the channel in 1926 & passed away at age 98 in 2003

The "Isle of" this has been inhabited since prehistoric times; it was once called Vectis