If you go to a "chemist's" in London, you've gone to this kind of shop
Someone who wants to be a "sister", but not a nun, would be interested in this profession
A "serviette"
The British use the Eskimo word "anorak" for this
How a London theatrical producer would probably react to learn his play is a "bomb"
What you'll be if you accomplish all the ifs in Rudyard Kipling's "If", my son
Dickens novel in which Miss Havisham left everything in her house as it was the day she was jilted
James Hilton novel in which Mr. Ralston suggests that Mr. Chipping resign
H. Rider Haggard used this 3rd person singular pronoun as a title of 1887 novel
Illustrator of Flowers & Fungi, she also wrote children's tales like "Peter Rabbit"
On this page, we have presented handpicked English trivia quiz questions. If you want to test your or your friends knowledge about English related question then this page will definitely help you.
Our team have spent hours to researched & analysed English quizzes, and prepared this top list of English trivia questions to help TriviaGate readers.
English Trivia is a set of question which are about English and related quizzes. You can use these questions to play trivia game quickly.
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