Military Trivia Page - 3

Trivia Questions

"A Few Good Men" was set partly in Cuba, & it also featured this actor named Cuba

It's what "JAG" stands for in the TV series of the same name

Dan Quayle appeared on this Gerald McRaney sitcom in a 1990 episode honoring the Marine Corps' 215th anniversary

This Tom Selleck title character was a Vietnam veteran who had served in Navy intelligence

Army psychiatrist Dr. Sidney Freedman had his hands full analyzing the 4077th on this classic series

Eileen Brennan earned an Oscar nomination for playing Captain Lewis in this Goldie Hawn comedy

This widow of a slain Israeli general & prime minister now speaks out on the need for Middle East peace

Cancerians might feel like marching sideways because Cancer is the sign of this animal

In the spotlight for taping her friend Monica, she described herself as "A suburban mom...a military wife for 20 years"

General Patton had a "stinging" slap, so you can figure out that this was his sign