Movie Trivia Page - 115

Trivia Questions

The strength of the outer part of a kernel of this determines if it's a nice fluffy one or a crunchy "old maid"

In the 1960s, California had over 200 of these, where people watched movies from their cars

The people at want to eliminate these before movies; coming attractions, they're OK with

This type of "seating", named for a place to watch sports, puts each row well above the one in front

1988:Professional baseball players deliberately lose the 1919 World Series

1984:An overaged baseball player comes out of nowhere to become a legendary player

1993:An undersized undergrad fights to make the Notre Dame football team

1980:A self-destructive middleweight boxing champ battles in & out of the ring

1996:A washed-up golf pro tries to qualify for the U.S. Open to impress a woman