Political Trivia Page - 3

Trivia Questions

"You won't have" this man "to kick around anymore, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."

On July 14, 1789 this French king wrote in his diary "Nothing"

1 day before his assassination he remarked, "I've looked over, & I've seen the promised land"

Completes "If the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for 1,000 years, men will still say..."

In 1690 this English philosopher wrote, "Wherever law ends, tyranny begins."

Jacobites supported the cause of this royal house after the abdication of James II

France calls its capability to use this type of weapon its "Force de Frappe"

On January 8, 1918, he outlined his "Fourteen Points" to the U.S. Congress

This numerical term for secret enemy sympathizers comes from the Spanish Civil War

Charles Beard claimed the framers of this 1787 document were motivated by economic self-interests