Adjective for the left hemisphere of the brain in most righties, because it controls speech & other functions
This structure seen here, which includes the medulla, transmits information from the spinal cord
DNA co-discoverer Francis Crick shocked Freudians by saying these are just the brain's nightly housecleaning
In 1956 George Miller defined it as holding 5 to 9 chunks of information -- what category did you pick again?
P.E.T., the positron emission type of this kind of imaging, can identify the focal points of seizures
This "prefrontal" medical procedure involves the destruction of sections of the brain's cortex
The symbol of this radioactive element is Pu & it sounds like it's named after Mickey Mouse's dog
The leatherback variety of this reptile is one of the few animals that primarily eat jellyfish
The process by which neutral atoms become electrically charged is called this
This German-born American physicist won the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics