The absolute temperature scale with its lowest point being zero is named for this scientist who introduced it
This element, symbol Co, was once popular for making invisible ink
He won 6 Hugo Awards for his fiction, including "Starship Troopers" & "Stranger in a Strange Land"
This 1898 novel is divided into 2 parts: "The Coming of the Martians" & "The Earth Under the Martians"
In 1997 he ended his "Odyssey" series with "3001: The Final Odyssey"
In Jules Verne's "The Mysterious Island", this reclusive captain dies & is buried at sea in his submarine
Credited with formulating the "Three Laws of Robotics", he said the idea came from his editor John Campbell
The chela on arthropods are these, & it may make them crabby if you mess with them
From the Latin for "to carry", it's the time period between conception & birth
It's often a warning when this tuft or plume on a cockatoo's head stands up