This material, such as your stapes, is formed by ossification
Arterioles are a link between arteries & these fine blood vessels
Total number of sides on a Klein bottle or a Mobius strip
What we call a Thermos goes back to the flask this scientist invented in the 1890s
Your body has millions of these glands, up to 625 per square inch of skin, & they're probably now working overtime
This prized natural substance is made up of alternating thin plates of calcium carbonate & chochiolin
If the solar system's 9 planets were lined up smallest to largest, Earth would be this number in line
In 1969 Marcian Hoff Jr. condensed all of a computer's arithmetic functions to this one tiny chip
William Gilbert coined the word electricity, which comes from the Latin word for this fossil resin
A fluorescent lamp contains argon & a small amount of this liquid metal's vapor