Space Trivia Page - 3

Trivia Questions

In 1959 the Soviet Union's Luna 3 became the first space probe to photograph the far side of this celestial body

After its July 4, 1997 landing on Mars, this lander was renamed the Carl Sagan Memorial Station

(Hi, I'm Commander Charlie Precourt aboard space shuttle Discovery) The 1st U.S.-Russian space venture was the 1975 Apollo linkup with this spacecraft named for the Russian word "union"

In June 1963 she orbited 48 times in 70 hours, 50 minutes

Marc Garneau headed south from this country to head up from Cape Canaveral in 1984

In 1980 Arnaldo Tamayo-Mendez' route out of this country was very different than Elian Gonzalez'

Vladimir Gurragcha was the first in outer space from this "outer" area

In 1978 men from this country took residence in the Vatican & the Salyut 6 space station

In February 1972 a Soviet spacecraft soft-landed here & then returned rock samples to the Earth

On February 14, 1990, it took its final photo from 3.7 billion miles: of the sun & 6 planets, including the Earth