Sports Trivia Page - 4

Trivia Questions

Name given to annual competition among U.S. amateur boxers

Number of downs allowed in Canadian football to advance the ball 10 yards

Because of WWII, these 2 NFL teams combined squads in '43 to become the "Stegles"

Boxer whose life was portrayed in "Somebody Up There Likes Me"

What Gary Player plays professionailly

At a bullfight, it's the fans' way of saying "bravo"

In gymnastics, the long horse is the same as the pommel horse, but without these

To maximize wind effectively in sailing you can use this zig-zag maneuver

In this year, 4 yrs. after his Olympic title, Muhammad Ali upset Sonny Liston for his 1st heavyweight crown

In "Pride of the Yankees", he played Babe Ruth