General Knowledge Trivia Page - 48

Trivia Questions

Shepherd's pie is a meat hash covered with a layer of this

Named for an English scientist, it's a division of classical physics

Richard Henry Dana's 1840 classic based on a voyage he took around Cape Horn

Add blood, cornstarch, or arrowroot, or try reduction

Among his many books for boys are the Ragged Dick and Tattered Tom series

Different types of this in the supermarket are labeled "all purpose" and "self-rising"

If Leon Spinks is in England on December 26, he might join in the observance of this

When burning, sulfur becomes this compound that's used to keep dried fruit from turning brown

Called an artichoke, its name isn't from a Mideast city but from "girasole", Italian for sunflower

Military bases are often open to the public on Armed Forces Day, the third Saturday of this month