General Knowledge Trivia Page - 47

Trivia Questions

This credit card co. is test marketing a supersmart card to flash an authorization code for purchases

Their ads say it's the only vodka imported into the U.S. from Russia

To make this favorite of gold prospectors, start off with a bit of yesterday's leftover dough

In 1950 President Truman signed the act ending discriminatory taxes on this butter substitute

Calorie counters will appreciate the Yukon Gold, a variety of this vegetable that tastes already buttered

The pignolia is also known by this "nutty" name

The acerola cherry is known for its high content of this vitamin

This era, the age of mammals, represents less than 1 percent of geologic time

It's defined as a form of an element with the same atomic number but different atomic weight

During the Fiesta de San Fermin, these animals run through the streets