General Knowledge Trivia Page - 61

Trivia Questions

In botany it's the term used for the liquid in the stems & roots of plants & trees

Flavor of the jelly or sauce that's a common accompaniment to roast lamb

Color of the beans you'd find in a feijoada, the national dish of Brazil

Eric Knight died while serving in WWII, just 4 years after writing the story of this collie

The name of this meat is from the Latin "venatus", hunt

The Atlantic variety of this popular fish is the largest of all flatfish

In India, ghee, which is a clarified form of this, is widely used in cooking

Name shared by the 3 billy goats who met up with the wicked old troll

His stories include "Brer Mink Holds His Breath" & "Brer Buzzard & The Tombstone"

This bluish glow is sometimes seen at the tips of tall objects during thunderstorms