General Knowledge Trivia Page - 62

Trivia Questions

Willie Wonka owned the world's most famous one

The only presidents this nation has had are Sukarno & Suharto

The smallest of all constellations is Crux, also known by this name

In 1975 this country's colony of Angola became the last European colony to gain independence

At 49, Margrethe II of this Scandinavian country is the world's youngest queen regnant

From the Greek for "earthquake writer", this instrument records any Earth movement

This Scottish discoverer of the Victoria Falls was "found" by Henry Stanley in November 1871

2 Sikh bodyguards assassinated this Indian prime minister on Oct. 31, 1984

This dynasty ruled Egypt from 323 B.C. until the suicide death of Cleopatra in 30 B.C.

In 1847 Virginia-born Joseph Jenkins Roberts became the first president of this black African nation