Literature Trivia Page - 3

Trivia Questions

Peter Quint & Miss Jessel are the ghosts in this Henry James ghost story

Since 1918, the "O. Henry Awards" have been given to outstanding examples of this form

The title of this famous Anita Loos work states that they "Prefer Blondes"

Richard Henry Dana's 1840 classic based on a voyage he took around Cape Horn

Among his many books for boys are the Ragged Dick and Tattered Tom series

An ex-football player who enters the ministry is the subject of this Sinclair Lewis novel

James M. Cain's first novel, think letters and bells for a clue to its title

J.P. Marquand, who won a Pulitzer for "The Late George Apley," created this Japanese spy/detective

"...Nearly every man in the village agreed she was the finest collie he had ever laid eyes on"

In "The Sword in the Stone", Kay calls this main character "The Wart"