Literature Trivia Page - 4

Trivia Questions

He wrote "The Snow Man", "The Snowdrop", "The Ice Maiden" & "The Snow Queen"

The Big Billy Goat Gruff poked this character's eyes out with his horns & crushed him to bits

He wrote 14 books about Oz, & some short stories too

In German, the title of this Thomas Mann novella is "Der Tod in Venedig"

"Shadows On The Grass" is a collection of African vignettes by this Danish baroness

Nationality of the woman who created Hans Brinker

Virginia Woolf wrote about one "of one's own"; E.M. Forster wrote about one "with a view"

Li Po, who lived over 1,000 years ago, was one of this country's greatest poets

Eric Knight died while serving in WWII, just 4 years after writing the story of this collie

Name shared by the 3 billy goats who met up with the wicked old troll