You'll have better living through Robert Boyle, known by some as the father of this
If you can "Field" this response you'll know he was the father of the Brooklyn Dodgers
"Birds" brain who's known as the father of comedy
Sam Houston & Stephen Austin are both called the father of this; let's have a paternity test
Cosimo de Medici, Andrea Doria & George Washington share this sobriquet
Sam Ealy Johnson, Jr.
Benjamin Harrison V
Theodore Roosevelt
William Jefferson Blythe III
Leslie Lynch King
On this page, we have presented handpicked Fathers Day trivia quiz questions. If you want to test your or your friends knowledge about Fathers Day related question then this page will definitely help you.
Our team have spent hours to researched & analysed Fathers Day quizzes, and prepared this top list of Fathers Day trivia questions to help TriviaGate readers.
Fathers Day Trivia is a set of question which are about Fathers Day and related quizzes. You can use these questions to play trivia game quickly.
You can easily find the best Fathers Day quiz question quickly, We have added all the Fathers Day trivia questions here on this page. You can also navigate to the next page if there are more questions available for Fathers Day topic.
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