The 1st great building of the Acropolis was this one built between 447-438 B.C.
For an adult elephant it can be up to 1 1/2" thick & weigh about a ton yet can be pierced by an insect
The Larousse Gastronomique says quiche originated in this French region
In a famous race, these 2 men reached the South Pole, 1 in December 1911, the other 5 weeks later
In the 1920s this N. Vietnamese leader worked as an assistant chef under the great Escoffier
Between 1816 & 1830 he was at various times ruler of present-day Venezuela, Peru & Colombia
This overcoat with a removable cape got its name from a city in Scotland
This political "strongman" was heavyweight boxing champ of Uganda from 1951-60
And now, "Heeere's" his line of suits
He said he ate the same soup for lunch for years; maybe that's why he painted soup cans