In Tim McGraw's country hit, it's the line that follows "I like it, I love it"
In 1991 an updated version of his "Give Peace A Chance" was released with new lyrics by his son Sean
Julia Roberts' ex, in 1996 he released his sixth album, "The Road to Ensenada"
Her 1993 album "Friends Can Be Lovers" features a duet with cousin Whitney Houston
At her death in 1995, her song "Fotos Y Recuerdos" was No. 4 on Billboard's Latin chart
This term for total nudity is the title of a 1997 film about male strippers
Actor seen here who co-wrote & co-produced as well as starred in the film:("Grosse Pointe Blank")
1997 action movie seen here:(with Nicolas Cage)
Ethan Hawke & Robert De Niro starred in this film based on a Dickens novel
Matt Damon stars as a genius janitor from South Boston in this 1997 movie
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