Julius von Sachs found that starch was a product of this process in green plants
In 1815 William Prout hypothesized that this was the fundamental atom & all other atoms were made of it
Using a piece of Iceland spar, a French physicist polarized this in 1808
The name of this 1877 invention is from the Greek for "sound writing"
In 1848 he set absolute zero at -273 degrees C.; it was found later that it is actually -273.16 degrees
On this page, we have presented handpicked 19th Century Science trivia quiz questions. If you want to test your or your friends knowledge about 19th Century Science related question then this page will definitely help you.
Our team have spent hours to researched & analysed 19th Century Science quizzes, and prepared this top list of 19th Century Science trivia questions to help TriviaGate readers.
19th Century Science Trivia is a set of question which are about 19th Century Science and related quizzes. You can use these questions to play trivia game quickly.
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