Made a British crown colony in 1849, this island aligned with British Columbia in 1866
Thunder Bay, a city in Ontario, is on Thunder Bay, an arm of this largest Great Lake
St. John & St. John's are cities in these "New" provinces
In Saskatchewan a national park & a big city are named for this prince consort
The Canadian postal abbreviation for this province is NB
Polar bears often congregate in Manitoba on the snow-covered shores of this 316,000-square-mile bay
Slowly I turned towards this over 160-foot cataract found on the U.S.-Canadian border
A popular children's book bear derived its name from this Canadian city of 600,000
Canada's respected newspaper The Globe and Mail was established in this city in 1844
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Our team have spent hours to researched & analysed Canada Geography quizzes, and prepared this top list of Canada Geography trivia questions to help TriviaGate readers.
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